Part 28: MEssenger

content warning: suicide
BGM: Mestitior
Ancora stood there as Tristitia's body was on the ground. This situation was familiar. For some reason, she felt like she already had seen something like this before. It was probably because of Luxuria's death from earlier.

Notably, there was a good reason to split up, as Invidia had the gun, and could shoot anyone at a moment's notice. He had seemed stable so far, but now she was not so sure.

A voice called for her, but she didn't answer it. Instead, she walked down the staircase leading to the rest of the Crossroads, and Wing A. Surprisingly, Invidia didn't call for her to stop or anything. It was as though he did not care if the others left. The group naturally split up even further. Ancora watched from afar as Ira and Superbia remained behind, but Avaritia split from them, too. Invidia sat in the staircase after a few seconds. He was looking at his revolver.
Avaritia joined Ancora before long. She noticed the girl while walking away from the Crossroads, and stopped in her tracks.

Ancora could see Superbia had grabbed something off Tristitia's body. It was a key- he'd gotten it from a deduction room before, most likely.

Instead, the bear-wearer watched the scene unfold, unsure of what Invidia was doing. He opened the revolver and counted the bullets inside, maybe? Whatever it was, he eventually slid the revolver behind the target plate on his chest to keep it safe. Ira and Superbia were content not joining them yet, remaining behind with the voting booth. Instead, Invidia stood up to approach the two girls.

But it was much more likely Avaritia mentioned him as a traitor to the group, and not as the traitor needing removal. Invidia didn't seem phased by the words, walking towards them more.
BGM: Membrana

Ancora spoke in a whisper. Avaritia nodded in acknowledgement, and the two of them sprinted away from the Crossroads. Instead of going through the dead end hallway, they ran further into the wing itself. They could open the new section now, but...

She cast a glance towards Avaritia; the older woman was holding up to her own youthful athleticism. Running with heels wasn't easy, though, and eventually she fell down.

Ancora stopped running around the intersection, making a step towards Avaritia instead to help her. The older woman had apparently hurt her leg. However, the teacher waved her away.

Without taking a look back, Ancora ran away from the scene, heading towards the corner with the staircase. That was where she'd gone to before. If she could just find the panel...

Which meant the secret door was somewhere on the right. Looking at the last column, she saw that the beams did that strange bend; it clearly was that one. She pushed it and crawled through, almost ripping her sweater dress in the process.

Ira and Superbia had left the Crossroads. That was Ancora's only thought about them, since she didn't see either of them when she glanced up the stairs. They might have gone after Invidia, too.

As silently as possible, she crept around the corner to look at the situation in Wing A. Invidia and Avaritia were together, and there was still no sign of Ira or Superbia. It seemed as though the teacher and the boy were talking together. Ancora stepped forward with the intent to get the jump on Invidia. He noticed, turning over to look at her. Perhaps ten meters separated them; Ancora could clear that in a few seconds...
BGM: Metis

Far from relieved, Ancora also walked forward, towards Avaritia to get some answers.

She pointed towards the rest of the hallway. Ancora snapped her fingers.

There was no time to lose. She closed in on the metallic wall...
BGM: Mestitior
...only to hear a loud gunshot. Ancora had reflexively recoiled, but she wasn't the one who was shot. Her arms couldn't cover her entire helmet, so when she opened her eyes next, she saw the aftermath through the hole in the wall.

As Ancora watched the aftermath of the suicide, she suddenly found her vision closing in against the metal wall.

Someone shoved her from behind and then she collided with the wall itself. With a loud bang, Ancora fell to the ground, unconscious, dropping like a rock.
BGM: Memini Meminisse

The voice was familiar. Ancora had heard it a lot these past hours. She could hear it, but she couldn't see whoever it was attached to. The teacher asked a question, so Ancora answered.

Avaritia was standing near her. Feeling at a disadvantage, Ancora slowly pulled herself back up to her feet. One of her hands grabbed against the wall for support, even after she was standing anew. Her other hand latched onto her helmet, since an overwhelming headache was breaking her in two, metaphorically speaking.

BGM: Metis

The cheerleader stood at the other end of the hallway with Ira in tow. She was carrying the gun, which was pointed in the direction of the other two girls. They could slip out through the hole in the back, but due to the firearm's threat, doing that wasn't a good idea.

She cackled as though this really was just a funny game to her.

She aimed the gun towards the teacher. There wasn't even a shiver coursing through either girls.

The bunny girl's other hand turned into a fist for a moment. She looked even more aggravated than before.

Ira was watching from the sidelines, unsure of what he should do. He remained there like a bodyguard, just in case anything happened.

Superbia was thinking. She was probably wondering the exact same thing everyone else was.

Avaritia was weighing her words.

Superbia gave another groan of rage, unable to understand what Avaritia was telling her. While the teacher was talking, Superbia was taking steps forward, taking advantage of her focus on conveying a message.
BGM: Membrana

Before the rabbit could shoot her, the pig leaped onto her and tackled her down. She tried to grab the gun, but she couldn't. A stray shot fired near Ira, and he decided to get himself mixed into it.

As the three of them fought over the revolver, Ancora decided to hightail it out of there. Turning around, she stepped through the opening in the plates.


Another explosion signaled someone had surrendered their right to live. This time, it was him, thankfully for Ancora and Avaritia.

She kicked Avaritia off her, rolling over to stand back up. Her outfit was slightly dusty, but she didn't care. Instead, she let out a blood-curdling scream and executed the teacher with the fourth bullet. Upon witnessing the scene, Ancora regained her composure and hid behind the plates, closing the opening. She waited for her to approach it to go through it, laying out a trap for the rabbit.

Yet Ancora didn't budge. She waited there, both scared and tense. If Superbia's head poked out through the opening, she could use the plate, and...

But Ancora had closed it up, thinking she could have used it to smash it against Superbia's helmet when the rabbit would've come through the entrance.

A shot lodged itself into her leg, causing her to wince and scream. Only one more bullet remained. Ancora finally managed to pull the hole open to slide through, and limped forward, walking as fast as she could to try and set an ambush somewhere else. Unfortunately for her, Superbia wasn't limping. She pulled herself through the opening and aimed for the final shot to spell Ancora's doom.

BGM: Memini Meminisse

And then she was dead.
BGM: Silence

Invidia directives obtained?